

Having started research and development studies in the electronics sector in 2013, Akım Metal has progressed rapidly to produce reliable and standards-conforming electronic products which are open in the sector. The domestic market has been chosen as a target for its automation and power-related product ranges, which are at a very high level of external dependence, with a high level of difficulty and few technical staff. It aims to be a company that reduces external dependency in the short term and contributes to the technical infrastructure of the country. In addition to these, it is the main goal of the firm to create big brands that will spread to the world market with the products that are produced as a result of R&D. In this context, research and development studies which lasted for 4 years in the fields of LED Lighting and Motion Control Technologies have brought to life brands such as SMB and Fermada with its products that emerged as a result. With these products, the company has changed the crust by having quality, standards-compliant and innovative product experience in the electronics sector. Getting out of the side industrialist identity, Akım Metal continues to progress on its way to become a company that sheds light on its own and its country’s future with about 50 models and tens of thousands of products working on the field.

Akim Metal R&D Electronic Team is in a precious position in the country especially with its studies on power electronics. This product-oriented R&D team brings together the best qualified technical design, testing and application skills with experience to pioneer the future of the company. Working on projects such as LED Drivers, Switched Power Supplies and Motor Drivers, the team is particularly specialized in design steps such as Power Circuit Design, Analog / Digital Circuit Design, Simulation Studies and PCB Design, and has a great experience in making these designs in accordance with Electromagnetic Compatibility and Electrical Safety rules. In this regard, Turkey's TSE certificate, namely the first LED driver in accordance with the standards, as well as internationally recognized certificates of quality products emerging as a result of all these efforts have been taken.

Successful graduates and technical staffs from successful colleges and universities with domestic and foreign experience in their fields ranging between 1 to 20 years, are assuring the success of their work. This team has took place in the company culture which is based on cooperation with all departments as a solid branch of the R&D network. Having the most appropriate laboratory infrastructure for their own work disciplines, the Electronics Team provides reliable and meaningful results with modern, reasonably suitable and qualified laboratory equipments. The team, which can perform preliminary EMI, safety, thermal, electrical and performance tests in its own laboratory, achieves the final result in the fastest way by carrying out rigorous studies from the beginning to the end of the activity for the product. As a result of detailed and challenging stages, the products that are emerging are placed in the firm portfolio as quality and trustworthy products.

Since its inception, the Electronics Team has been working successfully in the field with its high quality research and development activities and aims to play an active role in ensuring that its firm and country progress safely in the future.